Everybody Loves A Great Story right?

Everybody Loves A Great Story right?

Everybody Loves A Great Story right?

Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. Maybe you inherited your shop from your family or your old boss. Perhaps you grew up taking your families car to the shop you now own. It could be that you just felt the need in your community to offer your exceptional services with value. Whatever the reason you are here, there is a story behind it.

Indeed, while talking about storytelling for businesses, the question I get asked most often is: “what story do I  tell?” If done right, storytelling has a far-reaching impact, and it offers excellent business building benefits – something imperative in today’s competitive landscape! When there are swarms of shops vying for customers, resorting to same old marketing tactics hardly cuts the mustard. You’ve got to be unique to be seen and heard. This is where storytelling makes a difference. It gives your business the leverage of a well-constructed narrative. Why? Because people love to hear a well-told story more than just cold hard facts. But how do you go about creating a truly impactful story? Here are a few pointers:

-Know Your Story-

While knowing your story is one thing, knowing what makes your story stand out is a different thing. You might plainly state how you formed your business and what your services the shop offers, but you can hardly call that storytelling. Real storytelling is all about understanding what makes your business unique. Things like how you dealt with risk in the early days, how did you overcome barriers, what lessons did you learn and other insights make for a compelling tale.

-Have a Compelling Voice-

The idea of storytelling is based on how well you can capture the attention of audience and engaging them on an emotional level is the best way to do so. Do not ramble: Keep it simple and let your real self shine through your storytelling. Made up stories hardly ever strike a chord and audiences are smart enough to distinguish the difference.

-Make Sure Your Story Is Available on Many Channels-

Once you have a well-constructed story in place, you need to distribute it across multiple channels to get it heard. Know the places where your target audiences are most likely to hang out: social media channels, blog, newsletter or​ ​your website. Pour your story out on these channels and ​share!


As your business grows, you should keep adding more chapters to your business story. Not only will this kill the boredom of having to tell the same old story again and again, but it also keeps your audience updated on the changes that are taking place within your ​shop.

Would like some help and advice on your shop’s story? Give us a call! The marketing professionals here at Repair Shop Marketing​ are here to guide you and partner in your success.

Have an interesting or unique story to share about your shop? Drop us a line-We’d love to share it!

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